PayPal design system
Role: visual & UX Design Lead (self-initiated)
Self-initiated and led the updating of’s design system to increase brand continuity across PayPal’s products. Presented the proposed updates to leadership and PayPal’s internal patterns team and received their full support. Partnered closely with patterns team, other UX designers, and engineering to refine patterns and implement them throughout
“Nicky and I tackled some of the hardest design challenges within a company that can easily swallow you up. Together, we took on what was thought to be impossible: unify a design language across a global company.”
Updated PayPal design system
PayPal Design system documentation
Updated design patterns include typography, typography pairings, buttons, form elements, colors, and notifications.
“So awesome Nicky, thank you for all your work on this. I love that you’re never afraid to do the heavy lifting to improve our products and that you always come up with great ideas! I’m really excited to get the rest of the website on board and in sync!”